clairvoyant psychic
clairvoyant psychic
clairvoyant psychic
A 4 Week Studio Meditation Series
A 4 Week Studio Meditation Series

Deep Dive into this 1-on-1 Psychic Mentorship
A 3 month expansive psychic reading & meditation experience guiding you to embrace your shadows & unleash your light.
... your own energeti
expand you awareness of the energetic world
learn about the different psychic senses
gain a broader understanding of your intuition
activate your third eye in a psychic meditation

Month 01:
Creating the Spark
As we enter this energetic container, I meet you where you are in your current experience, and tune into what is energetically lingering at the surface, as we begin to peel back your layers. ​
Month 01 will include:
a initial "space holding" session, where I give you space to share intentions and spill what you've been holding onto, in a safe, non-judgement and protected container
a full energetic assessment in the form of a lengthy psychic reading, looking at the energetic coding of your current experience
a psychic meditation experience, where you will meet your higher self & spirit guides that want to support you during this experience
Month 02:
Diving Deeper
In the second phase of this experience, we swim deeper, shining a light on your shadow self, as I hold space for you to lovingly & empathetically embrace the complexity of your unique story. ​
Month 02 will include:
an in-depth psychic reading, looking at your core challenges, and the blocks and walls that you are ready to break through
a personalized lesson on how humans on the human subconscious system, and how are stories and the energy we collect affects our emotional wellbeing
tapping into hypnotherapy techniques to regress back to pivotal moments, from your current life, and past lives, that are currently keeping you trapped in patterns that don't serve you

Month 03:
Retrieving the Pearl
We conclude this 3 month container as we reveal the light that emerges when you embrace the full spectrum of who you are, and revel in the in your divine potential. ​
Month 03 will include:
an inspiring & empowering psychic reading, where we celebrate the gifts & light you bring into this world, and your divine purpose in this life.
an energizing psychic meditation guiding your to reclaim your light, and providing you energetic tools to protect & regulate your energy daily.
tapping into hypnotherapy techniques to regress back to pivotal moments, from your current life, and past lives, that are currently keeping you trapped in patterns that don't serve you.

Meet Your Earthside Spirit Guide
Gina Fuschetto is a professionally trained clairvoyant & intuitive psychic, dedicated to helping humans reconnect with their spirit, and hear the voice of their higher self, through deeply validating psychic readings & expansive educational experiences. Gina discovered & awakened her psychic abilities on a quest to find ways to manage her mental health, and is driven to take what she's learned on her journey to self-healing, and guide people to bring ease to their suffering, while activating their psychic senses.

Doors Open November 25th!
The door to your psychic awakening opens on November 25th with limited early bird pricing! Drop your email below to join the waitlist.